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Faith Over Fear

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Faith Over Fear. Over the last couple of years that phrase has been a mantra for several believers in the Christian community. I recently used it while visiting an eye doctor. 

Just to give you a little bit of background, a few months ago during a routine visit with my optometrist, my eye pressure was “through the roof.”  Panicked, she exclaimed, “You need to see an  ophthalmologist right away; you have glaucoma.” Following her instructions I made the appointment (I had to wait a couple months – you all know how that goes). I also did what I normally do when I have a “concern.”  I reached out to my inner circle and asked for prayer. I say “normally” because I recently shared a situation where I did not ask for prayer.

When I finally saw the ophthalmologist, my pressure was just slightly lower. He performed 8 million tests (maybe that is a slight exaggeration). After all those tests and being there for more than five hours, he came to the conclusion that nothing was really wrong with me other than a slightly elevated eye pressure. He prescribed eye drops to be taken at bedtime. Being a good patient and someone who “trusts” doctors, I took my medicine. 

Bear with me while I continue this eye saga. Fast forward a couple more months to my kids’ annual eye checkups. I ask their ophthalmologist about their eye pressure. He said, “It’s fine. Why do you ask?” I explained about my recent high reading. “Wait a minute,” he said, “that doesn’t necessarily mean you have glaucoma. There are two or three other factors that would have to be present.  Taking eye drops for the rest of your life is not necessarily good, unless you know you have glaucoma.” He suggested that I see glaucoma specialist. Again being a good patient and “trusting” the doctor, I took that to heart, I researched online, and found a glaucoma specialist that same day.

I waited four weeks to see the specialist.  During that visit they conducted several tests, including eye pressure — which was lower — because I had been taking drops. By the end of the examination the specialist came to the conclusion that I have a thick cornea (which is my normal). He explained, “If you have a thick cornea, it is hard to accurately measure eye pressure. Your pressure may be normal.” He continued, “Some personality types would say, ‘Keep me on the drops just in case because they want to be sure or are fearful.’” To which I responded, “Faith Over Fear. I am going to trust that you went to school for this and you are a specialist.” Oh my goodness. He looked at me and he said, “Faith over fear? I’ve never heard that before. Did you make that up?” With a smile I responded, “No. I am pretty sure Jesus came up with that!” And y’all – he wrote it down on my chart! 

Could it be … all this for him to hear those three words? I do not have the gift of evangelism but at that moment I felt like I was Billy Graham bringing the Good News. I will be praying for my glaucoma specialist. You can bet on that. I will have faith that not one part of this eye drama was a waste of time. But rather, trusting that God uses anything and everything and believing in Faith Over Fear.  “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 ESV 

Faye Morgan, founder of Next Level Moms, has been involved in women’s ministry for more than 20 years. Her heartbeat is to connect, inspire and equip moms to a more fulfilling mom life.  She lives in South Florida with her husband Scott and enjoys being the mom of 2 competitive long distance runners, having lunch with friends, and watching movies in her spare time. 

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