Thanks Living Instead of Limping
| By Lyli Dunbar | 2 Comments
I am going to confess that I have yet to pull out the bin of Fall decorations this year, and I can’t believe it’s already November. This year seems to have slipped through my fingers, and conquering my overwhelming to-do list has drained away most of my energy. I really want to mop the kitchen floor right now and find the holiday décor, but instead I am fighting hard to “get everything done” and not be crabby as I sit across the dining room table from my people. Unexpected complications have made life hard lately, and I feel like I am limping into the holidays. I want to step into this season with joy and let go of all the stress that weighs heavy on my soul.
When we feel overburdened by our super busy lives, our weary hearts can become consumed by all the difficulties, and we fail to remember we always have a Champion and a Defender in our corner. We focus more on the magnitude of our problems than the power of our magnificent God. As Daughters of the King of Kings, we need to remind ourselves Who we belong to and come boldly into His throne room for the grace and help we need for today. We can take all our anxiety and cast it right at His feet and trust He will care for us.
When I feel overwhelmed, I will often turn to the Psalms for encouragement. The raw emotion expressed in these short poems, songs, and prayers remind me I am not alone in the struggle. God welcomes my cry. He wants me to take my discouragement and my doubt to Him, and as I open up my broken heart to His care, He will fill me up with His unshakeable peace, His inexplicable joy, and the precise wisdom I need for this season.
This year I am reading through the Bible in the CSB translation, and I am writing out Scriptures in my journal that remind me my faithful God will never fail me. I want to be a woman who raises a hallelujah even when my life seems incredibly hard. Psalm 106:1 declares: “Hallelujah! Give thanks for He is good; His faithful love endures forever.”
It is good to wait on His name. (Psalms 52:9)
It is good to draw near to God and declare His good works. (Psalms 73:28)
It is good to give thanks to the Lord and sing praise to His name. (Psalms 119:71)
It is good to hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. (Lamentations 3:26)
His goodness and mercy will follow after you every single day of your life. Your God is fighting for you, and He will always get the glory in your family. He knows exactly what you and your children need right now, and He has invited you to His banquet table. As you draw near to Him, you will find all the joy you need for this Thanksgiving.

Special Guest Contributor Lyli Dunbar
Lyli Dunbar’sburning passion as a writer, speaker and Biblical life coach is to fuel a wildfire faith in the weary hearted. She loves digging into the Word verse by verse with women on The Wildfire Faith Podcast and through The Wildfire Faith Bible Community on Substack. She also serves as a writer for Proverbs 31 Ministries’ First 5 App and Love God Greatly. A fireball at heart, Lyli is energized by singing karaoke in the car with her husband, reading 12 books at a time, and cooking Cuban food for a full house. Stop by to grab faith fuel for your day or connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or Twitter. You’ll love her free downloadable resources including a 30-day Pray Big Calendar.