Recently, the scripture, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1-2) has become a “mantra” for me with robust meaning. I have read and heard that scripture many times in my Christian walk, but lately it has become the start to my days in addition to the prayer in my afternoon, and/or the petition in the quiet of the night. Initially it started with a desperate supplication in the morning, with the simple words — “Lord, I need your help!”
Have you ever felt that way? Lord, I.Need.Your.Help. If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you know this to be true, that we need the Lord’s help. But this has become different from the rudimentary belief that we all need His help. It has become my daily “cry out’ to Him. He wants me to always remember – I. Need. Him. I cognitively know I need Him, but He is always cementing that in my heart.
This world is upside down and raising kids is challenging even on the good days. Dealing with hectic schedules, managing multiple relationships, work, church, etc., you know what I mean, is hard. When you add sports injuries, teenage issues, a roof leak, car trouble, teenage issues (yeah, this one is worth repeating), it can be emotionally draining. Have you ever experienced emotionally draining situations? If you have, you know that it affects your whole body physically, in fact, it is down right fatiguing not just to your body but to your soul.
I have been in a season of emotionally draining situations. The answer I found to cope with it all was and is to cry out to the Lord, with my hands extended to the ceiling (we don’t have mountains in South Florida) and with my face tilted upward. As I look up to the ceiling I ask, “Where does my help come from?” My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. You know what? It’s amazing how He has shown up every time.
Now, I can’t say that it’s always going to be that way, in the sense that He’s going to answer in a manner of how I want Him to, or how I think He should. But I know He will answer in the way that is perfect with His grace being sufficient for the situation.
By no means have I perfected this, for lack of better words, this new ritual. However, it has given me peace in the waiting. So the next time that you are feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, hopeless, not knowing what to do, try this:
- Extend your hands towards the heavens
- Tilt your face upward
- Cry out: “Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord the Maker of heaven and earth.”
And when I’m feeling worshipful (which is always a good thing, to thank Him for all He does for me) I quote (cause I really can’t sing) the words to “Waymaker” by Michael W. Smith:
“Even when I don’t see it, You’re working
Even when I can’t feel it, You’re working
You never stop, You never stop working
You never stop, You never stop working”
Friend, you can count on the Maker of heaven and earth to help you and to be working on your behalf!

Faye Morgan, founder of Next Level Moms, has been involved in women’s ministry for more than 20 years. Her heartbeat is to connect, inspire and equip moms to a more fulfilling mom life. She lives in South Florida with her husband Scott and enjoys being the mom of 2 competitive long distance runners, having lunch with friends, and watching movies in her spare time.
Colleen Lightbourne
March 7, 2024 at 4:08 pm
Amen 🙏🏼 and Amen 🙏🏼
I know about being overwhelmed at times, and cry out to my God and sing this song by Brooklyn Tab:
I will lift mine eyes to the hills
From whence cometh my help
My help cometh from the Lord
The Lord which made heaven and earth….
My help, my help, my help
All of my help cometh from the Lord!!
I have proved that our Heavenly Father is a my help in times of trouble!